viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Our project

Taking photos can be an exciting activity but when this involves to travel to different places and sharing our experiences with others it acquires other perspective. This is what we are going to do in this Comenius project: to meet other people and share this ludic activity with them.
After several attempts during the last years finally we managed to be part of one of these projects. Capture the World in a Photo was designed by our Polish associates. We will share our experience with people from Germany, Finland, Turkey, Croatia and Poland. 

A group of 17 students is going to be involved in the project. We hope they will learn and enjoy with this activity.

This is the map of our associates:
These are the schools taking part in the project. Our turn to receive our colleagues will be in Spring 2015, this is, after being in Turkey and before the last meeting in Poland.

Each of the associates will have a task to do in relation to the project. We have to prepare the photo album with all the images taking part in the competition. Our German asociates have developed a Facebook profile in the following address: 

This is the presentation of the programe for students and their families.

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